Saturday 9 June 2012

Bus Tour-Day 3

Hello lads! (insert Irish accent)
Today started with an open top bus tour, which is a great idea in theory. It was like 40 degrees and windy on top of the bus though so that made it a little less enjoyable. We got off the bus at Temple Bar, which is a pretty popular tourist area for all the shops and pubs, for lunch and some walking around. Then we got back on the bus to go to Trinity College, which is like right in the middle of Dublin and soooo beautiful! By this time in the afternoon the sun came out and the weather was perfect, FINALLY! There was a Shakespeare festival going on so that was cool to see! All of the buildings are really old and all castle-like with big green trees all around, not as beautiful as TCU but it's a close second! After that we took the bus to Superquinn (a supermarket) to do some intense grocery shopping. They had all kinds of yummy things but when I asked one of the employees where the pita chips were he had no idea what I was talking that was a fail. Also, the shopping bags are 20 cents each, so I have to remember to bring my own next time. The lad who was checking me out told me that he was in Florida for 6 months but came back because he was homesick, which is understandle. We finished our shopping and took the bus back to St. Stephens Green, because thats the closet it would go to our apartment, and we decided to walk back from there. That was dumb. It was about a 20 minute walk and by the time we got back we were all sweating and whining about how bad our hands hurt, we're such wimps. We prolly take a taxi next time though :). We unloaded our grocies all domestic-like, sat down on the couch, and ordered pizza! Best idea we had all day.

Now that our bellies our full, its time to hit the pubs!

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