Saturday 16 June 2012

It's been a week?! - Day 7

I can't believe it's already been a week!! It's going by too fast, make it stop!
I had my literature class this morning that started at 10 instead of 9:30, thank you Professor Stephen! We talked about the excerpt from Ulysses and he had a lot of good input on it. For those of you who didn't know, Bloomsday is named after the character Leopold Bloom and every year on June 16 people celebrate Bloomsday and the story Ulysses. The story also took place in Ireland so it's a pretty big celebration here.
After class my roommate, Elizabeth, and I walked to Trinity College to get Student ID/Travel Cards so we can get student discounts, yay for saving money! Then we walked around Grafton Street and stopped at a place to get a cappuccino to warm us up, dang cold weather. After we did some walking/looking around we headed home. We would've like to stay out longer but it was cold and about to rain. We were walking through St. Stephens Green, which is like a huge park, on the way home and witnessed a dog and swan fighting! It was the funniest and most entertaining thing I've seen in awhile. I never would have guessed swans could be so mean. From my point of view the dog just want to play and the swan freaked out and started hitting the dog with its wings. I never realized how big swans were until I saw this ones wingspan. Eventually the owner got the dog on a leash and the fight was over. By that time there was like a dozen people around with their cameras, including myself. I started chanting FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT, but it didn't catch on. No I didn't really do that, but I wish I had. After that Elizabeth and I went on our way home.
We leave tomorrow for Galway at 9:30 in the morning! I'm really excited, but still hoping for good weather.

Wish me safe and happy travels!

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