Friday 8 June 2012


Today was a full day of orientation at the IES Center, which is where my classes will be and is about a 20 minute walk from my apartment. Good thing we had to spend the entire day inside because it is still cold and rainy!! They told us what classes we signed up for and when they will be: Irish Literature in the last 100 years (MW 9:30) and History of Ireland 1798-1922 (M at 1 T at 4). Each classes is 2.5 hours long so Mondays will be a long day, but I don't have classes Thursday or Friday so I can't really complain!! Other than that they gave us some great ideas on weekend and days trips while we are here, so we better start planning! We had a lunch break and went down the street about 5 minutes to a delicious burger place where I got a huge veggie burger! After a couple more hours of random information we were done.
We all walked down to Grafton Street so some students could get phones and we all looked around at the beautiful clothing stores and cool pubs...big torist area! Dinner was at a yummy place that I can't pronounce that was paid for by IES, so nice of them! After dinner my roommates and I came back to our apartment because we are all still feeling a bit jetlagged.
Just when I thought it was time for bed one of my roommates accidently set of the fire alarm, so that was fun. After about 15 minutes of an obnoxious beeping and us all plugging our ears we got it turned off!We met one of neighbors because of it though and she was very friendly...but annoyed with us. Now we will forever be known as "those Americans who set off the alarm". Oops.

Time for sleep, tomorrow is another full day of adventures!

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