Thursday 28 June 2012

Kilkenny pictures!

                                                                          Kilkenny Castle garden
                                                                the back of Kilkenny Castle
                                                                                  Kilkenny Castle

                                                                     Kilkenny Castle

                                                                           Kilkenny Castle

                                                            Kilkenny Castle and meeeee

                                                                         Big tree stump

                                                                     The Cloggers!!!

                                                                                More clogging!!

                                                                         Clogging duet!

                                                                clog clog clog clog clog

                                                     The whole band of cloggers/musicians!

                                                               Our tour bus!

                                                          Some live music at Lannigans

                                                  Ducks at the Rothe House garden

                                                                 Precious ducks!


                                                                   The Hurling Field in Kilkenny

                                                                       Hurling Field

                                                                           Hurling Field

                                                                 Learning to be goalie!

                                                                Yep that's real life

                                                             The Hurlers!

                                             Not sure what those words mean, something about hurling I assume

                                                                     The Black Abbey

                                            St. Canice Cathedral; we climbed the tower on the right

                                         The hole we climbed through to get to the top of the tower!

                                                          At the top of tower!

                                                           View from the top of the tower

Some street performing puppets....

                                                          The tower at St. Canice Cathedral

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Real student

Being in Ireland, constantly traveling around, and doing fun stuff has caused me to forget that I'm actually here to be a real student! This week I was reminded of that.
Remember those classes I talked about in the beginning and the papers/test that went along with them? It's ok, I forgot too. Well, I had a test in my History of Ireland class today, 20 question multiple choise, not too bad. I spent the majority of yesterday and this morning studying for that and got 19 out of 20 on it, go me! Good thing I remember how to study.
I also have my 1500 word midterm paper due this Friday. You read correctly, THIS Friday. How much have I done? 0 words. However, I have a topic. So that's half the battle right? I sure hope so. Thankfully my Professor is probably one of the nicest human beings alive and he's really understanding/helpful. I'm sure I'll get it done by Friday but he said he'd give us a few days of grace if we needed it.

In other news, I go to Belfast this Thursday-Saturday! Not sure what all we will be doing but Belfast is up North and I've heard it's wonderful.

Send me some writer vibes so I can bust out this paper!

Weekend in Kilkenny

Don't fret, I'm still alive! I realize I've neglected my blog the past few days, typical rookie blogger mistake. Please forgive me and keep checking in to hear all my adventures!

This past weekend (the 21st-23rd) Claire, Bekah, Nick, and I went on to a trip to Kilkenny. While we were there we visited the Kilkenny castle, which was huge and beautiful. I'm definately a fan of castles. We also saw a riverdancing performance/concert in the castle. It was a bunch of kids probably like 10-14 years old and they were really good! They all looked like it was the absolute last thing they wanted to be doing, but I enjoyed all the clogging and wierd musical instruments they played. Later on we took a tour of the town on a cute little train, the town itself was really small but none of us minded because Dublin is a little overwhelming sometimes. By the end of the trip we all knew our way around the town better than Dublin! We visited St. Canice Cathedral where we climbed the inside of a very tall tower, basically on a ladder, and got a great view at the top. We got to hear a lot of great live Irish music at the pubs, which is something I'd really been wanting.
But my favorite thing we did was learn how to play hurling! There's a pub called Lannigans that takes you to the hurling field in Kilkenny and gives you a two hour hurling lesson! Still don't know the name of the guy who taught us, he never introduced himself and I'm realizing that's pretty common here, but he told us all about his hurling experiences and showed us his gross scars. The game is basically played with a flat baseball bat and a baseball but the stitching is on the outside of the ball. There aren't too many rules to the game and fouls aren't very common. The players don't wear any protection except for a helmet and they seriously show no mercy. We learned how to pick up the ball with the stick, carry the ball, hit the ball, and some defensive moves. I was pretty good at carrying it but not so much at the hitting part. The guy who taught us how to play was also the manager of the bar so we went back that night and got free drinks! Kilkenny was the perfect place to really learn how to play hurling because they've been the defending champions for the past like 7 years! The next day we got to watch Kilkenny and Dublin play eachother and Kilkenny won by a lot! The game is so fast paced and really rough but fun to watch.

All in all it was another great weekend in Ireland!! Pictures will follow shortly.

Monday 18 June 2012

More pictures!

They are a little mixed up but these are mainly from Galway and a couple from Dublin. Enjoy!

Learning how to play hurling

Hurling champ

Cliffs of Moher

Cliffs of Moher

Covering up the sign that says to not do that....

go frogs!

Cliffs of Moher

Cliffs of Moher

Notice how close I am to the edge....

Big rock and go frogs!

Shopping around Inis Mor

The cliff side view from Inis Mor

Biking along the coast

Such a good biker and cool hat

Inis Mor

One of the pubs we went to had a mechanical bull....why not

Bottle feeding my baby lamb

The view from the farm

Grannys house, where we ate pies



St. Patricks Cathedral

Arriving in Galway

Guiness veggie burger and Irish soccer = happy Hailee

Watching Spain vs Ireland

Guiness flavored gelato.....why not

Aran Islands - Inis Mor

Biking around Inis Mor

The shops in Inis Mor
Open top bus tour of Dublin